Continuous Disclosure

In June, 2009 The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) released Regulatory Guide 198 (RG198)Unlisted Disclosing Entities: Continuous Disclosing Obligations. This guide applies to Rivwest Finance Ltd. The guide sets out ASIC’s preferred best practice ways of ensuring investors are updated in a timely and efficient manner for material information.

As the prospectus is issued annually, it would otherwise be up to one year for investors to be notified of material events or circumstances relevant to their investment decisions.

Examples of material events include a material change in previously released forecasts, or changes to values of underlying assets; changes to the status or terms of debt funding; breaches of loan covenants; the appointment of an external administrator; suspension of debenture withdrawal requests and various disclosures relating to the benchmarks (Section D - pages 5 to 12 ).

The present system of continuous disclosure involves Rivwest providing Investors with a prospectus that has been lodged with both the Trustee and with ASIC for an exposure period before coming into force; issuing a supplementary or replacement prospectus should new material information come to hand; lodging monthly reports with the Trustee and quarterly reports with ASIC which includes benchmark compliance assurances and various other matters; the lodgement of audited annual accounts with ASIC and the Trustee as well as the lodgement of six monthly accounts and reports. Rivwest also has various reports and covenants with similar lodgement requirements with our Bankers.

RG198 provides for an alternative system of notifying investors via the fixed term investment issuer’s website. Rivwest Finance Ltd has not adopted this alternative. An examination of existing fix term investment holders indicates there would be limited numbers with access to our website (due to age and locations).

Rivwest is fortunate in never having a matter of material importance that would require notification to investors, however it is the policy of Rivwest to notify each investor should the need arise, by the same means as is presently used to notify investors of an impending maturing investment. The policy of lodgement of reports as outlined above will also continue.

Change of Trustee

Investors and potential investors should note that the Trustee for Rivwest Fixed Term Investments, the Trust Company (Nominees) Ltd (ACN 000 134 441) retired on 17th November 2017 and has been replaced by Melbourne Securities Corporation, Level 2, 120 Collins Street Melbourne VIC, 3000, telephone 1300 798 790. A supplementary prospectus advising this change has been lodged with ASIC and all investors have been notified by mail.

The change was brought about by Trustees internal policies and in no way reflects any change in the current circumstances nor future prospects of Rivwest Finance Limited.

Target Market Determination - Notes between 3 and 60 months

Target Market Determination - 31 Day Notice Notes

Change Bank Facility Notification 15th January, 2024

Investors and potential investors; due to the Corporations Act 2001 we are required to advise of any changes to matters stated in the Prospectus.

We refer to our current Prospectus number 23 dated 17th March, 2023 which expires on the 17th April, 2024, (page 40 - Continuous Disclosure); the current Prospectus is available upon request via calling 02 6882 0090 or emailing us at

In particular, we refer to page 18 which states:-

‘Rivwest currently has Commonwealth Bank Term Loan facilities of $4,100,000. This facility is secured by the Bank as follows:

  1. First Registered mortgage over land and commercial premises being the Head Office at 50 Talbragar Street, Dubbo.
  2. First registered general security agreement over all present and after acquired property of Rivwest Finance Limited.

 We advise:

  1. This facility has matured and is no longer in force.
  2. There are no moneys currently owing to the Bank.
  3. The Bank still holds the securities referred to above.
  4. Rivwest is currently in receipt of a letter of offer from the Bank which offers a market rate facility of $4,100,000 under similar covenants to the previous facility.
  5. Rivwest has currently not accepted the offer and will advise of any change to the current position.

 Notification updates will be posted on our website under the Continuous Disclosure section.

Please contact our office on 02 6882 0090 or email us at if you require any further information.

Yours Faithfully,
Robert J Elliott
Company Secretary


Bank Facility Update 16th February, 2024

We now advise: -

  1. Negotiations have concluded and the offer by the Bank has been accepted.
  2. The ability to draw down on the facility remains in force until the 31st December 2024.

No draw downs have occurred and no moneys are owing to the Bank, however investors will be notified should draw downs occur.

Yours Faithfully,
Robert J Elliott
Company Secretary

Contact us for more information on Continuous Disclosure
